80 year old Prahlad Jani is being held in isolation in a hospital in Ahmedabad, Gurjarat, where he is closely monitored by the India Defense Research Organization. He claims to have spent six days without food or water under strict observation. Doctors say," He has yet shown any signs dehydration".
Jani claims to have left home when he was seven and stopped eating at twelve years old. He has wandered as a holy man; he lives a spiritual life alone and is called a 'breatharian." He claims that a goddess poured an 'elixir' and is the reason why he has sustained life.
His spiritual doctor supports his claims and does studies on supernatural abilities. Skeptics dismiss him as a "fraud". The Research Development Organization is keeping good faith that he is telling the truth, through their analysis they are discovering ways that the human body can survive longer without food. Breatharians believe that humans can live without food or water but require breathing and some form of spiritual sustenance.