Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cristian Fernandez may not get life in prison.

Cristian Fernandez is the youngest in Florida history to be convicted of first degree murder. He has killed his half brother David Gala. The 12 year old will not serve life in prison but will be doing his adult sentence in a juvenile facility. Authorities said he was killed due to a beating in the head afterwards he was rammed into bookshelf. According to a police report the child suffered "a skull fracture, subdural hemorrhage, subdural hematoma, bruising on the left eye, and bruising on the bridge of his nose."
While David was in the hospital, police said Fernandez confessed to beating him. He also allegedly admitted to having broken his younger brother's leg in January.
  Biannela Susana, the mother of the boys, is also in jail charged with aggravated manslaughter. The 25-year-old initially told authorities she was at home when the incident occurred, according to a police report. She later  changed her story admitting that she was not there at the time, and was told the toddler fell from a bunk bed.Susana told police she tried to help the 2-year-old. According to the report, she claimed she "changed his clothing, wiped him off, and put ice on his head," police said. She did not immediately call 911, but drove the 2 year old to the hospital 2 hours later. 
It seem that the real victim here was Cristian, he has had a history of abuse from his stepfather, who shot and killed himself in front of the boy last year.Biannela was only 12 years old when she gave birth to him, Mason said. The two ended up in foster care together, and his grandmother was a drug addict.Susana's two other children, ages four and six, have been placed in foster care.

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