Friday, August 10, 2012

Woman marries Herself

Schweigert said that when she first proposed the idea several of her friends thought it was weird. What is distinctly weird is the solo date nights she enjoys where she refers to "her wife" as if another person was actually involved in her relationship with herself.

A 36-year-old single mother who was tired of waiting for the Mr. Right to come along, married herself in a marriage ceremony, and even exchanged rings with herself.

Nadine Schweigert from Fargo, North Dakota, read her vows in front of 40 of her closest friends. According to Channels TV Schweigert vowed “I, Nadine, promise to enjoy inhabiting my own life and to relish a lifelong love affair with my beautiful self.”

Nadine realized that she is not going to wait for a guy to cherish and love her. She states, "No-one else can give it to me." She emphasized that the ceremony meant that "to be married to myself means I have to invest in this relationship."

Nadine go on date nights with herself and enjoys where she refers to "her wife" as if another person was actually involved in her relationship with herself.

She is no longer waiting for Mr. Right to complete her.

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